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Do you want to show love to your highly sensitive partner? In this article, you’ll discover the best ways to show your affection per love language.

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When you are in a relationship, it is important to nurture each other and make sure to show love. Especially when you have a highly sensitive partner who feels everything deeply, it is crucial to express your love regularly.

There are so many ways that you can tell someone that you love them without expressing the actual words, but it’s not always easy to show love as it is to tell love.

From candles to rose petals, adding a little romance can make a huge difference to how you feel about each other. If your partner’s idea of romance is spending time together, lean on that, too. Sometimes, you have to figure out how you enjoy romance as individuals so that you can come together and be romantic for each other.

To help you appreciate your highly sensitive partner, we have compiled the best ways to show affection in this article. For each love language, we came up with easy and impactful ideas to express your love for your highly sensitive partner.

Show Love By Speaking Your Highly Sensitive Partner’s Love Language

Showing your partner that you love them can be a pretty important component of a relationship and there are a lot of ways that you can do it. Therefore, learning the love language of your partner is so important if you want them to feel appreciated and cared for by you.

Love language is a term that was invented by Dr. Gary Chapman. He discovered that people feel loved in different ways and he expresses this in the book ‘The Five Love Languages’.

While some people feel more appreciated through words of affection, others feel truly loved when somebody spends quality time with them. Hence, it is important to learn how your partner feels the most loved, in order to make them feel loved. Consequently, you need to speak their love language.

Dr. Gary Chapman identified five love languages:

  • Words of affirmation
  • Quality time
  • Acts of service
  • Physical touch
  • Receiving gifts

Whether you start looking for a bakery course near me so that you can go together and learn how to cook as a joint activity, or you head to a couples spa retreat, you need to learn what makes the other person tick so that you can show them you love them.

Let’s take a look at different ways to love your highly sensitive partner in their love language.

Words Of Affirmation: Show Your Highly Sensitive Partner Love Through The Power Of Words

This love language focuses on uplifting your partner through the power of affirmation. Moreover, it entails making your partner feel loved and appreciated by using words – either in written or spoken form.

If your partner has words of affirmation as a primary love language, he or she will feel the most loved when you practice this love language.

Here are 7 ways to show your highly sensitive partner love through words of affirmation:

#1 Write To Each Other

Write to each other. It’s a little Shakespearean and old school, but love letters are a beautiful way to proclaim your love. Poetry, simple letters of love, a handwritten quote or two – they all work to show love to the person beside you.

#2 Send Affirmative Texts

It is a small effort, but it means incredibly much to your highly sensitive partner when you show them love through affirmative texts. Send them a message when you think about them or when you come across a nice, loving poem or quote, make sure to forward it to them. Your partner will love it!

#3 Leave Notes On The Mirror

Another fun idea to try to show your highly sensitive partner love is to leave love notes on the mirror. For instance, share why you love them or compliment them about a feature of their face. It will definitely make your partner smile.

#4 Expressing Love with a Tanzanite Pendant

Gifting your highly sensitive partner a mesmerizing tanzanite pendant is a wonderful way to express your love. The gentle beauty of the violet-blue gemstone, chosen with care, reflects the depth of your affection. This tangible reminder acknowledges and embraces their sensitivity, making it a thoughtful and meaningful gesture of love.

#5 Compliment Them Regularly

People who have words of affirmation as their primary love language, need to be complimented regularly. Complimenting your partner once a week won’t be enough to make them feel loved. Therefore, make sure to appreciate them as often as you can.

#6 Notice The Small Things

If you want to go the extra mile within this love language, make sure to pay attention to all the little things your partner does for you. For instance, if your partner cooks you a meal, thank them for it and show your appreciation. Also, make sure to compliment their cooking (if it was tasty 🤭).

#7 Brag About Them On Social Media

If you are somebody who shares a lot on social media, make sure to brag about your partner every now and then. Show how kind they are for you and let the world know how grateful you are to have them in your life.

#8 Call Them

Another powerful way to make your highly sensitive partner feel loved is to call them. For instance, when your partner is on a weekend getaway with friends, give them a call to check in on how your partner is doing.

How To Show Your Highly Sensitive Partner Love Through Quality Time

The second love language your highly sensitive partner may speak, is quality time. This is a love language that oftentimes is misunderstood. Simply spending time together in the same room is not quality time. It goes deeper than that.

To be more specific, quality time with your spouse entails that they have your undivided attention. No mobile phones, no television, no distractions. As a result, quality time is all about the interaction you have with your partner.

Below, you can find 7 ideas to show your highly sensitive partner love through quality time:

#1 Food Moments

We talked about learning to cook together, and it’s one of the best ways that you can come together and fall further in love. Whether you bake or you want to cook together, food is a great way to show that you love each other. Setting up a picnic, cooking a meal together, learning a new recipe – it all works to show each other that you’re in love.

#2 Go On A Trip Together

Sometimes, taking the time away from the world and with each other will help you to really fall back together in a way you couldn’t have before. A trip to the spa, a trip to wine country, or even just a weekend break to the city will help you to fall together. You can concentrate on each other away from the rest of the world, and this will make a big difference to your relationship. 

#3 Do Regular Date Nights

One thing that can be killing quality time lovers, is to not schedule enough date nights with their lovers. Therefore, make sure to grab your calendar and schedule date nights regularly. This way, you make sure to fulfill your partner’s need to spend time together.

#4 Host Your Own Little Book Club

A great idea for people who want to show their highly sensitive partner more love is to host their own book club. This is perfect for book lovers and as we know, many HSP’s do love reading! Pick a book that you both would like to read and schedule regular book discussions. Here you can discuss what you liked and disliked about the chapters.

On this image, there is a list of the quality time activities summarized in this article.

#5 Enroll In A Class Together

If both of you are adventurous, you may want to enroll in a class together. Try to find a skill that you both would like to master. Then, enroll in the course and have fun learning something new together.

#6 Plan Your Future Together

If both of you like to talk about the future and dream about it, this exercise is perfect for you! For instance, grab a pair of scissors, some old magazines, and start to visualize your perfect future together on a crafty vision board. A great way to show your highly sensitive partner how much you love them!

#7 Play Board Games Together

Another fun idea for people who enjoy quality time is to start playing board games together. Nowadays, there are so many fun board games to choose from. Pick one that you both enjoy and spend the afternoon together playing games. For instance, ‘Ticket to ride’ is a super fun game that you can play over and over again!

A Nice Extra: Thoughtful Skincare Gifts

For a partner with sensitive skin, skincare products make a thoughtful and practical gift. Consider gifting effective lotions for men that are designed to soothe and protect sensitive skin. This not only shows that you care about their comfort and well-being, but it also demonstrates your attention to detail and understanding of their personal needs. 

Show Your Love For Your Highly Sensitive Partner Through Acts Of Service

Some people feel deeply loved when others help them or do something for them. Other people going out of their way to offer them support feels like the ultimate act of love to them.

It is not necessarily about the daily actions such as doing laundry, but more about the unexpected acts of service that surprise your spouse.

Below, you can find 7 examples of such acts of service.

#1 Fill Up Your Partner’s Gas

Next time you borrow your partner’s car for an errand, go by the gas station and fill it up for them – without them asking. This will definitely make them feel appreciated and loved.

#2 Cook Favorite Meals

After living together for a while, you probably are aware of your partner’s favorite meals. Try to cook them for your spouse regularly. This will make them love you only more, promised!

#3 Try To Make Your Partner’s Life Easier

The ultimate act of service is when you make your partner’s life easier. For instance, show your highly sensitive partner love by looking at their schedule and noticing the moments where they have to rush. For instance, this could be between their workout and work. Make this moment easier for them by having their morning coffee and breakfast ready when they get home from their workout. Your partner will feel incredibly loved when you do this for them.

#4 Understand What Daily Chores Your Partner Dislikes

Are there specific chores around the house that your partner dislikes doing? Try to surprise them by doing these chores every now and then. They will definitely appreciate now having to worry about a job they strongly dislike.

On this image, the list of acts of services stated in the article is summarized briefly.

#5 Pay Attention To Details

One of the best ways to practice acts of service in daily life is to pay attention to the details of your partner’s life. For instance, try to remember how they like their bath and surprise them with a nice bath moment at night. So romantic and so easy!

#6 Ask: How Can I Help You?

If you find it hard to think of ways to support your highly sensitive partner to show them, love, simply ask them “how can I help you?”. When they tell you what they need, try to help them out without being bothered or annoyed by their request. This way, the act of service will have the desired effect.

#7 Take Care Of Them When They Are Sick

Is your partner struggling with the flu or some other type of disease? Support them through sickness by cooking healthy meals or getting them the right medicines. When we are at our weakest, we want to be loved extra intensely. Doing this act of service is incredibly kind and effective to maintain your relationship.

Physical Touch Actions To Show Your Highly Sensitive Partner Love

The fourth love language is physical touch. This entails feeling connected to your partner through the power of touch. This can be anything from kissing and cuddling to more intimate moments such as making love.

If you wonder how you can implement physical touch to show your highly sensitive partner love, here are some great suggestions:

#1 Give Your Partner A Massage

When somebody feels loved through physical touch, a massage is a great way to give that affection. Besides creating a connection between the two of you, a massage also is incredibly relaxing for your partner. Consequently, they may be in a better mood and less stressed in daily life.

#2 Ask For Kisses

Throughout the day, make sure to kiss your partner. Not only when you go to bed and wake up, but also when you thank them or when you walk past each other. It is a small way to show your partner that you can’t get enough of them. Also, this will make them feel loved and appreciated.

#3 Rest Your Arm Around Them

Are you watching a movie together or sitting together on the couch. Make sure to put your arm around your partner. It is a tiny gesture but feels major to the person whose primary love language is physical touch.

#4 Dance Together

If you and your partner love to move, make sure to dance regularly. If you don’t know how to dance, you could visit a dancing class together. Dancing is very intimate and the perfect way to make your partner feel loved.

On this image, the physical touch love acts are summarized.

#5 Teach Them A Sport That Required Physical Touch

Some sports, like playing golf or billiards, require physical touch in order to get the technique right. Be your partner’s teacher and show them how to play those sports. Not only will you have fun playing the sport, but you’ll also connect physically in a fun and casual way.

#6 Put Sunblock On Your Partner

Are you sunbathing together? Make sure to grab that bottle of sun lotion and massage your partner with sunblock! A minor gesture that makes your partner feel appreciated and loved.

#7 Hold Hands Whenever You Can

When walking somewhere with your partner, make sure to hold their hand. Not only does it symbolize the connection between the two of you – but it will also create connection. Your partner will feel safe and protected whilst holding your hand, which is especially great for highly sensitive people, who may be more nervous in public places.

Show Your Highly Sensitive Partner Love By Giving Gifts

It may sound very materialistic, but there is a deeper meaning behind receiving gifts. For people who love to receive gifts as a token of affection, it symbolizes the love somebody feels for them. It is a physical representation of what the other person feels within.

Don’t worry, you don’t have to empty your bank to fulfill your partner’s needs for love. In fact, there are many ways to express this love language in daily life. Below, we summarized 7 of them.

#1 Gift Them Flowers

It may sound old-fashioned to some, but nothing shows love more than a beautiful flower bouquet. Go to a local florist and purchase flowers that remind you of your partner. And if you’re on a tight budget, try to find pretty flowers in nature. Your partner will love it!

#2 Get Them Coffee (Or Tea)

Do you know your partner’s favorite coffee order (or tea order)? Next time you are near a coffee shop on your way home, make sure to stop by and purchase their favorite beverage. It will definitely make them feel appreciated!

#3 Create A Spotify List For Them

If you already do have Spotify, or another music subscription, make a playlist with songs that remind you of your partner. Then, gift the list to them and tell them how the songs remind you about your spouse. So easy, so cheap, and a guaranteed success!

#4 Follow Their Favorite Authors And Surprise Them With New Books

Does your partner have specific favorite authors? You can find it out easily by having a look at their book shelf. If there are many books from a specific author, you can guess that they love that author. Try to follow the authors and once they launch a new book, grab your partner a copy of it! They will definitely love it!

#5 Pick An Odd Holiday And Surprise Them With A Themed Gift

Did you know that almost every day has a specific meaning? On Daysoftheyear.com, you can find out what theme each day has. For instance, if you find a food-related theme day, you can buy the food that represents that day and surprise your partner with it. Not only does it make your partner feel loved – it also makes daily life much more fun!

#6 Surprise Them With Gadgets From Their Favorite Show

Is your partner a big fan of a particular show? Surprise them by purchasing merchandise from that show. For instance, buy them a fun t-shirt with a quote from their show or a mug with a fun cartoon. This is such a nice way to appreciate your partner.

#7 Decorate Their Car Or The Door Entrance When They Get Home

Sometimes, your partner experiences specific milestones like a job promotion or overcoming a challenging situation. Instead of letting those moments pass by without recognition, spoil them by decorating their car or the doorway to celebrate. It shows that you are proud of them and they will feel deeply appreciated for you doing it.

Don’t Let The Romance Die

The biggest mistake people make is to stop showing their highly sensitive partner love. Often, people get through the dating part of getting to know each other only to stop flirting and having fun together once they settle together.

There is light-headedness that comes with flirting and romance, and it’s not something you should let go of. In fact, it can make people feel wanted more than ever. 

The suggestions in this article are not limited. You can do whatever you want to love each other and improve the way you treat each other. In the end, it is about finding acts of love that suit you and your personality. Reading The Five Languages by Dr. Gary Chapman can help you greatly in finding out what fits you and your relationship the most. Good luck with showing your partner that you love them!

Which tip in this article are you going to give a try?

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