When I searched for a symbol for highly sensitive people, I could not find any. So I drew one myself! This article explains the meaning behind it.
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Estimated reading time: 6 minutes
I am so glad to see that you’re here on this page, reading more about the symbol for highly sensitive people.
Perhaps you just found out that you are an HSP or you may be looking for a way to express your trait.
If that is the case, welcome!
In this blog, I’ll share more about why I came up with the idea to draw a symbol for highly sensitive people.
Also, you’ll discover more about the meaning behind it and what has happened ever since I shared the symbol.
Why I Drew A Symbol For Highly Sensitive People

In 2018, I decided the time was ripe to get a tattoo. For years, the idea of getting one played in my head, but I did not know what to put on my body. After I knew for a few years that I am a HSP, i decided to get a tattoo that represents this trait. Ideally, I wanted a symbol that stands for highly sensitive people. I searched the entire internet, but could not find any. At that moment, I decided that I could draw one myself.
I took out my notebook and started to experiment with potential shapes. I experienced it as a fun process and actually quite exciting to design my own tattoo! Eventually, after a lot of trial and error (see picture to the right), I managed to finish the symbol.

The Next Steps
After I designed the sign, I was curious to hear what other highly sensitive people thought of it. Therefore, I did share it in one of the Facebook groups for HSP’s that I am part of. The feedback that I got there, was overwhelming.
Love it’s simplicity yet beauty. Gorgeous idea! HSP creativity strikes again!!! – One of the members of the group
It seemed like almost everyone loved the symbol, and I got so much feedback on how to improve the design! Some loved it just the way it was, some wanted it to look more extensive, but in the end, it felt like the overall feedback was mainly positive.
I love it and see the H, S & P. I also see the ‘i’ as an exclamation mark, a joyous exclamation and celebration of who we are! – One of the members of the group
Ultimately, almost 400 members liked my post and almost 90 commented upon the topic. I felt amazed by the enthusiasm of everyone. It actually motivated me to start this brand together with Riny. This positivity was just what we needed to start HiSensitives!

The Meaning Of The Symbol For Highly Sensitive People
As you can see, I included both the letters ‘H’, ‘S’ and ‘P’ in the symbol. Obviously, this stands for highly sensitive person. In addition, I added a dot at the bottom of the ‘P’. For me, it is a turned around ‘I’, which means that the trait is a part of my identity. Some of the highly sensitive people who gave feedback saw it as an exclamation mark. They saw it as a celebration of the trait, which in my opinion is a beautiful interpretation.
The symbol stands for acceptance and identification with the personality trait. Moreover, it aims to connect people with the trait and bring them together. When I designed it, I felt inspired by symbols such as the peace sign or the breast cancer awareness symbol. I wanted to create something similar for HSP’s. Many people still don’t know of the trait, and I hope that this symbol can help to create more awareness.

What Happened After I Shared The Symbol?
The response that I got after designing the symbol, was overwhelming. In fact, a few days after I shared it, somebody got a tattoo of my drawing! The feeling that somebody uses your artwork on their body, is amazing. I thought that I would be the only one to get it inked on my body, but I am glad to see that this symbol reasonates with more people.
In September this year, I also got a tattoo of it. My tattoo artist Ad, from Rising Sun Tattoo, gave my symbol a more feminine touch. It turned out like this:
My mother made a beautiful painting of my work, and my parents-in-law gave me a necklace of it. I am amazed by their support, but more astonished by how the symbol for highly sensitive people is implementable into other artwork than tattoos as well:

And Now…?
After designing the symbol in 2018 I felt inspired to do more for the community.
I wanted to be able to inspire highly sensitive people to embrace their trait and see it as a gift, rather than a curse.
Hence, my husband Riny and I founded HiSensitives – which is a personal growth platform for highly sensitive people and empaths.
For years, we’ve been sharing valuable articles on the topic personal growth with our readership, and now it is time for the next steps!
On November 1st, we’ll be launching the Ideal Self Membership, where we collectively work on our personal growth each month. Monthly, a personal growth expert will host a masterclass on a specific personal growth topic and you will be able to dive deeper into powerful personal growth exercises, e-books & more!
If you’d like to know more about the Ideal Self Membership, click here.
The HSP symbol inspired me every day to embrace my sensitivity and work with it, instead of against it.
Let’s hope that in time, more people will see it and feel the same way about it that I do.
Maybe, this symbol ultimately will increase awareness about the trait and hopefully also acceptance of sensitivity.
We will see what the future brings. I am excited. How about you?
We are curious to receive even more feedback upon this new symbol! What do you think of it?
Make sure to check out our HSP mug and HSP tote bag with the symbol on it!
If you’d like to hear more about how I designed this symbol for highly sensitive people and why, feel free to watch this interview with HSP coach Tiara from HSPeace coaching.
Would you like to use the HSP symbol for a commercial purpose? Please contact us to discuss the opportunities for a collaboration.