It can be tough to be a highly sensitive person, but these resources for highly sensitive people helped me to get the most out of my life. Maybe they will transform your life, too?
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes
Knowledge Can Transform Your Quality Of Life
A challenge many highly sensitive people face, is that they are not aware of the fact that they are a HSP. For me too, this was the case for a long time. I was 22 years old when I first heard about the trait. Before that, I always thought that I am weird, different, too sensitive and a set of other negative things.
Knowing that I am a highly sensitive person changed my perspective towards myself. I could not wait to know more about my trait. I searched the internet, bought books and tried to acquire knowledge about the trait in as many ways as possible. Accordingly, this helped me incredibly in my personal growth. Back then, I wish somebody would have shared the list of HSP-resources with me, that I am going to share with you today.
How These Resources Positively Influenced My Life
You might think that I am exaggerating when I am saying that these resources had a positive influence on my life. However, I promise that I am telling you the truth when I am claiming this. The sites below all influenced my quality of life as a highly sensitive person by means of offering information and advice about the trait. The last one on the list even helped me to get in touch with other HSP’s, which meant a lot to me!
So, let’s have a look at the available resources for highly sensitive people.
Obviously, I could not make a list without mentioning this resource. HSPerson is the website of Dr. Elaine Aron, who is known for inventing the term ‘highly sensitive person’. She is the one who dedicated years of research upon the trait and opened new doors for HSP’s worldwide. Without her, I am sure that many HSP’s still would wonder why they experience the world so differently than ‘anybody else’.
On her website, Dr. Aron offers information about the trait as well as self-tests for highly sensitive people. In addition, she lists useful resources for highly sensitive people. If you just recently discovered that you are a HSP, I highly recommend you to pay her website a visit and to also read her books about the trait.
2. Introvert Dear and Highly Sensitive Refuge
Introvert dear is a blog for introverts and highly sensitive people. As 70% of HSP’s are introverts, this blog is relevant for a large group of people with the trait. On their website, they write interesting articles about introverts and highly sensitive people. Also, they provide useful resources for highly sensitive people who want to find out more about their personality.
Introvert Dear also has a Facebook-, Instagram– and Twitter account. Here, they share funny and relatable images. With over 266.000 followers on Facebook they are quite popular and definitely worth to check out!
The people behind Introvert Dear also started a blog for highly sensitive people. Highly sensitive refuge is a website solely for HSP’s, which focuses on topics such as relationships, growth and career. On their Facebook-, Instagram– and Twitter accounts, relatable images about the trait are shared.
3. It’s Okay To Be An Introvert
Similar to Introvert Dear, ‘It’s okay to be an introvert’ focuses on introverts. The nice thing about this Facebook page, is that it shares relatable quotes, funny pictures and posts about what it is like to be an introvert. As many HSP’s are introverted, this is a very nice resource for highly sensitive people to check out.
Furthermore, this site makes you feel less alone in this world that focuses on how great being extroverted is! Introverts might feel as if they are the only ones in the world who feel like this, when in fact there is a majority of introverts out there who feel the same. Shireen, the owner behind ‘It’s okay to be an introvert’, manages to connect introverts with each other and make them feel like a big community. Definitely worth to check out!

4. Elephant Journal
If you are looking for in-depth, high quality articles, I highly recommend you to pay this website a visit. Elephant journal describes themselves in the following way:
We’re dedicated to sharing the good life beyond the choir, and to all those who didn’t yet know they give a care about living a good, fun life that’s good for others, and our planet. The mindful life is about yoga, organics, sustainability, conscious consumerism, enlightened education, the contemplative arts, adventure, bicycling, family…everything. But mostly it’s about this present moment, right here, right now, and how we can best be of benefit, and have a good time doing so.
– Elephant Journal
As highly sensitive people are known for their rich, deep inner life, they tend to look for good reading material that digs deeper. Elephant Journal manages to deliver just that. Therefore, this is one of the wonderful resources for highly sensitive people.
Additionally, their Facebook page “I’m not “Spiritual.” I just practice being a good person.” has nearly 870.000 followers. There, you can stay up to date upon their newest articles, images, videos and more. Visit them and be amazed!
5. Facebook Group For Highly Sensitive People
One of the best resources that I as a highly sensitive person have encountered, is this HSP-group on Facebook. In fact, it is the biggest group that I encountered so far. Daily, hundreds of highly sensitive people share their stories, challenges and success moments. It is truly inspiring and empowering to be a part of this group.
Additionally, all the things that you might feel weird about due to your high sensitivity, feel completely normal when interacting in this group. Everyone deals with similar situations and is there for each other to give support. If you want to get in touch with other highly sensitive people on Facebook, this is a wonderful resource.
Also, you may want to check out our own Facebook community for highly sensitive people and empaths who are interested in personal growth.
Time To Dig Into These Resources For Highly Sensitive People!
These resources for highly sensitive people have improved my life greatly and I hope that they will do the same for you! Check out these awesome pages and be amazed! And if you are looking for an additional HSP-resource, HiSensitives might be a nice one for you to keep an eye on.
We started HiSensitives, because we wanted to become a useful resource for highly sensitive people. HiSensitives wants to connect the dots and share everything about HSP’s and all the amazing resources out there in one place. Feel free to follow us on our Facebook-, Instagram– or Pinterest account to stay up to date!
We have amazing plans for the future!