Are you currently stuck at home due to unforeseen circumstances? Here are 100 ways to have fun while being homebound and bored!
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Since you opened this article, you are most likely homebound at the moment. While this seems to be the dream of many highly sensitive people and empaths, being stuck at home for too long might be a whole other extreme. In fact, you might be totally bored by now! At the same time, you might struggle with managing to feel calm and relaxed in times like these. Especially now, it is important to take well care of your needs and overall physical and mental health.
Therefore, we have created a list of fun things to do while being homebound. We have divided this list into 10 sub-topics, depending on your character and interests. Are you ready to have some fun at home? Let’s dive right in!
Here’s What You’ll Discover:
- Calm Activities While Being Stuck At Home
- Creative activities
- Physical Activities While You Are Stuck At Home
- Online Activities
- Fun Activities
- Culinary Activities
- Social Activities
- Personal Development Activities
- Beauty Activities While Being Stuck At Home
- Useful Activities While Being Stuck At Home
- Good Luck!
Calm Activities While Being Stuck At Home
Sometimes, you just want to sit down and relax. Especially highly sensitive people and empaths need calm activities in their life, where they can process everything. Below, you can find 10 calm activities to do from home.
1. Read A Book
Oftentimes, we say that we don’t have enough time to read. When you are stuck at home, you suddenly have much extra time on your hand. Therefore, use it to read that book which has been lying on your book shelf forever.
For instance, take a look at the books in our book corner. Here, we review personal growth books on a regular basis.
2. Discover New Music
Highly sensitive people are known to experience music intensely. Therefore, listening to and discovering new music is a nice activity to do from home. On Spotify, you can easily discover music that is in line with your music taste.
3. Watch Movies And Series
We all love Netflix and Disney+! Especially when you’re homebound, this is a true lifesaver. Why not spend your extra time to watch some movies and series?
4. Watch The Stars
If you have a garden, go outside on a clear night, take a blanket with you and lie down to watch the stars. You will be amazed by the beauty of a calm night and this will truly help you to relax.

5. Make A Campfire
Additionally, you could enhance your star gazing night with a camp fire. If your garden is big enough and your local authorities allow you to make camp fires, go ahead and organize a cozy night with your housemates. Bring on those smores!
6. Take A Trip Down Memory Lane
Highly sensitive people and empaths are known to appreciate beautiful memories. Therefore, you could use your extra time to dig up those old photo books from your younger days. Take your time to reminisce about the good old days.
7. Bathe In The Sun
Vitamin D is good for you! Therefore, go into your garden or sit down on your balcony to bathe in the sun. Your mental and physical health will thank you. Don’t forget the sunscreen!
8. Do A Crossword Puzzle
Usually, you see your grandparents do a crossword puzzle, but why not give it a try yourself? It can be a soothing and at times frustrating activity. However, once you have solved the puzzle, you’ll feel filled with pride.
9. Watch The Sunset
If you are a true lover of nature, like most highly sensitive people and empaths, this activity can be beautiful and calming. Wrap yourself up in your warmest blanket and sit down outside in your garden to enjoy the sunset.
10. Listen To Nature
You can combine watching the sunset with listening to the sounds of nature. Listen carefully to how the wind blows through the trees and the birds chirp happily. This will be truly healing for your soul and spirit.
Creative activities
Do you want to activate your creativity? You might want to consider trying one of the creative activities for adults below. Who knows, what beautiful creations will come out of your hands and head?
11. Paint
Painting is a wonderful activity, which can be done by anyone. The problem is that many people are too critical of their skills, once they start painting. Let go of criticism and simply enjoy the act.
12. Make a stress ball
Sometimes, being stuck at home can feel quite stressful. Especially for extroverts, being alone or with the same people for a longer period of time can cause stress. Therefore, you might want to consider making a stress ball for yourself. Here’s a tutorial on how to make a stress ball:
13. Learn How To Play An Instrument
If you’ve always been dreaming of learning an instrument, now is the time to do so! While you’re homebound, you can spend hours and hours on practicing. With musical online classes, you can easily learn how to play your favourite instrument.
14. Learn How To Sew
Do you scream every time your clothes become damaged? Time to take control and learn how to sew. This way, you never have to hire anybody else to fix your clothes ever again!
15. Write A Story
Did you always dream of writing a book, but do you struggle with getting into action mode? Why don’t start on a first draft of your book, while being stuck at home? This is a fun and creative activity to do from home.
And if you’re really ambitious, find a publisher to publish your story. For instance, have a look at these publishers in Boston.
16. Sing
At home nobody can hear you (or at least only your family members or housemates). Download Youtube, and find instrumental versions of your favourite songs. Why not go ahead and sing along?
17. Take Photos
Nowadays anybody can be a photographer. Thanks to smart phones, it is possible to take beautiful pictures everywhere you go. Why not do a photoshoot in the garden with your family members? This can be a fun and creative activity for the whole family.
18. Watch The Clouds
It is something most of us did when we were children; watching the clouds. Why not do it again? Go outside in your garden on a sunny, but cloudy day, lie down on the grass and watch the clouds. If you do this together with someone else, tell each other what shapes you see. Simple, yet fun!
19. Make Your Own Jewellry
Did you know that there are tons of jewellry kits that help you to make your own jewellry? Why not get creative and create the necklace of your dreams? For example, check out this jewellry kit.
20. Write A Song Or Poem
If you like to be creative with words, you might want to consider writing a song or poem. It could be about anything that you have experienced in life. Writing poems is a wonderful way to express your emotions. Give it a try!
Physical Activities While You Are Stuck At Home
Do you want to stay in shape while being stuck at home? Why not try these physical activities from home? They’ll definitely be good for your overall health.
21. Do A Jumping Rope Workout
Did you also love to jump the rope when you were younger? Why not purchase a new jumping rope and try a jumping rope workout like this:
22. Massage Yourself
If you are alone and don’t have anybody else to do this for you, you might want to spend time massaging yourself. There are multiple techniques to give a try, while being homebound. For instance, you could try the techniques from this video:
…and if nothing helps. you might want to treat yourself to a affordable massage pillow like this one. Definitely an asset for your physical wellbeing!
23. Do Some Yoga
If you want to do a physical activity at home which is both good for your physical and mental health, try Yoga! Yoga is a wonderfully relaxing sport that keeps you in good shape and increases your happiness.
24. Dance
Did you know that dancing improves the condition of your heart and lungs, reduces your weight and improves your mental functioning? Enough reasons to turn the beat up and get on your feet to dance while being stuck at home!
25. Jump On Your Trampoline
If you happen to have a trampoline in your garden, don’t doubt a second and start jumping. This activity will bring out the child in you again AND keep you fit. Win-win!
26. Stretch
Why do you think that dogs and cats stretch once they wake up in the morning or from a nap? It is good for their health! The same goes for humans. Therefore, remember to do some stretching throughout the day. Here are some techniques, that you could try out:
27. Fitness Exercises
If you have some workout equipment at home, why not spend your time to build up some muscles and strength? There are many fitness exercises that you can do while being homebound. On Youtube, you will find tons of inspiration!
28. Keep The Balloon Up
If you truly want to have some fun while being active, try to play the famous childhood game ‘keep the balloon up’. This game is most fun played together. Therefore, grab your family members and get started with this fun game.
29. The Floor Is Lava
Another childhood memory many of us have, is to play that the floor is lava. If you want to be active at home, why not create your own obstacle course and play it together with your housemates?
30. Play Hopscotch
Talking about childhood games, we all know the famous game hopscotch. Grab some chalks and draw the game on the ground in your garden to get started. If you are playing this on your front porch, remember to consider others and practice social distancing if needed.
Online Activities
In the 21st century, it is almost impossible not to be active online anymore. Therefore, we have dedicated a section in this blog to fun online activities to do while being stuck at home:
31. Tik Tok
If you don’t know the app Tik Tok yet, download it NOW. The app aims to inspire creativity and bring joy into people’s lives. It is one of the only famous apps, who truly bring laughter into your life. People are being goofy on the app and sharing funny and touching videos all day long. Therefore, this is a fun online activity to do from home.
32. Play A Mobile Game
We all have that one great aunt who keeps inviting us to play a specific game with her on Facebook, don’t we? However, many games actually are quite fun. Go to your phone’s app store and find some mobile games that intrigue you.
33. Discover New Blogs
There are millions of blogs on the internet. Now is the time to discover some new news- and entertainment resources! Via Pinterest, you can easily find blogs that share content which you might find interesting.
34. Join New Facebook-groups
Another fun online activity is to join Facebook-groups. There are thousands of groups out there, just waiting for you to join them! Search for topics that interest you and filter the search results to ‘groups’ on Facebook. There you will most likely find groups that suit your interests. For example, you might want to join our Facebook community.
35. Do Some Shopping
While this isn’t the best activity for your wallet, it surely is a fun activity! When you are homebound, online shopping can be a nice activity to keep you busy for hours and hours. Now you have all the time to do your research on the best products and prices.
36. Research Your Family’s History
Did you know that you can research your family’s history and heritage online? With much extra time on your hands, this might be interesting to know. For example, you can find out more about your family tree on
37. Online Dating
For those of you who are single and stuck at home, it might be an interesting time to get into the world of online dating. Perhaps you will meet the love of your life?
Niche dating sites have made it easier than ever to find companionship tailored to your interests. If you’re a fitness enthusiast, sites like FitMatch provide a space to bond over a shared dedication to a healthy lifestyle. Tinder or eHarmony are among the top dating apps for young people, focusing on both fun and serious dating and catering to the dynamic range of experiences that young adults often seek.
38. Create Your Own Blog
Are you good at writing and do you want to share your experiences or skills with the world? Why not make a blog? It is so easy to set up a beautiful website and publish your content. With providers such as WordPress or Wix, blogging is easy!
39. Sell Your Old Stuff
Most of us have stuff lying around, which we don’t use anymore. Why not sort out your old stuff and sell the good items on the internet? You might as well make some cash while being stuck at home, right?
40. Organize Your Photos
With the digital age we make more photos than ever before. However, most of our photos are hidden away in a huge database and will barely be seen by others. Why not organize your photos and put the best photos into a good old photoalbum? This way, you honour your memories in a beautiful way.
Fun Activities
Do you want to have some fun while being homebound? We have collected the most fun activities to do at home for adults. Time to make some awesome memories with these activities:
41. Host A Competition
Have you thought of hosting a competition? You could think of several activities and set up teams to accomplish the tasks at hand. If you only live together with a few people or nobody at all, you might consider creating an online challenge, where you film yourself doing the task and then share your results with others online. This can be fun for big families or friend groups. Give it a try!
42. Put Your Head In Flour
You might think that we are crazy, but this could actually be quite fun! Recently, some videos of people playing rock-paper-scissors with special rules have circulated on the internet. The rules? The loser has to put their face on a pillow covered with flour. How this looks in practice? Watch the video below to find out:
43. Create Your Own Bar
Do you miss going to the bar and simply chatting with your beloved ones? Why not create a private home bar for you and your housemates? Buy some nice drinks to create your own cocktails and set your place up to look like a bar. Great idea, right?
44. Karaoke Night
If you want to make your home bar even more special, introduce a karaoke night! There is no better way to enjoy yourself more, than taking a sip from your cocktail, while watching somebody else sing like there is no tomorrow!
45. Do A Dance-off
As your night at your home bar progresses, you might be drunk enough to do a dance-off. This can be incredibly fun for everyone involved!
46. Make A Time Capsule
When you are homebound, a memorable and fun activity might be to create a time capsule. Especially now during the Corona-virus, this might be a wonderful memory later on. Imagine your children opening up this time capsule 25 years from now. What to put in your time capsule? It is up to you, but here are some recommendations:
- The newspaper from today;
- Photos of the whole family right now;
- Things that remind you of the current time;
- A letter to your future self;
- A vision board of where you are standing in 25 years.
The sky is the limit!
47. Learn How To Juggle
How cool are people who know how to juggle? With all this extra time on your hand, now it’s time to become one of the cool kids and start learning how to juggle. Here’s a simple tutorial:
48. Finish A Big Puzzle
Hands up if you have a 1000-piece puzzle lying around somewhere, which you never have finished! Most of us do, right? Now is the time to finish that puzzle once and for all!
49. Organize A Scavenger Hunt Around Your Home
Another incredibly fun activity for you and your housemates is to organize a scavenger hunt. If you have a big home, this could be quite fun! Of course, ensure that there is a great price involved to keep up the motivation of your participants.
50. Build A Fort
Most of us did this when we were younger. Why not feel like a child again and build a fort in your living room? We challenge you, to build the biggest fort anybody has ever seen!
Culinary Activities
If you love food, you will love this section! Here, we have collected the most fun culinary activities to do while being stuck at home:
51. Picnic
One of the most memorable culinary activities you could do from home, is hosting a picnic for you and your housemates. Make some delicious salads or sandwiches, grab a blanket and sit down outside in your garden to enjoy the sun while having a bite. Is the weather bad or do you not have a garden? Host a picnic in your living room!
52. Organize Themed Dinners
One of the most fun activities with your family or housemates, is to organize themed dinners. Why not host an Italian night, an Arabian night or a Mexican night? Of course create a beautiful setting by putting on music from the country and practicing local dinner traditions while you’re at it. Guaranteed fun!
53. High Beer/High Wine
Have you ever heard of the European concept of a High Wine or High Beer? Basically this involves buying several sorts of beer or wine and organizing a tasting of it. Per beverage, serve a different bite. It is a fun activity which you easily can do from home.
54. Bake Something
Challenge your inner cake boss by baking something delicious. From cakes to fresh bread, the sky is the limit!
55. Try A New Recipe
If you are feeling like trying something new, why not cook a new recipe? On Pinterest you will find all the inspiration you need to challenge your cooking skills.
56. Follow An Online Cooking Class
If you are not that skilled at cooking, you might want to consider spending your time stuck at home on learning how to cook. There are different blogs and vlogs out there teaching you the basics of cooking. Dive into it and surprise your loved ones with a tasty homecooked meal.
57. Make A Recipe Book
If you already happen to be a good cook, add all your favourite recipes into a recipe book. Your children and grandchildren will thank you one day!
58. Cook A 3-course Dinner
Do you want to treat yourself and your housemates? Cook a 3-course dinner with a starter, a main course and dessert. With this, you’ll definitely be busy for a while.
59. Host A Cook-off
Do you want to challenge your housemates? Host a cook-off, where you select a cooking discipline and everyone has to cook a dish. A jury member will determine who is the winner!
60. Do A Blind Taste Test
This activity will definitely ensure laughter in your home. One person prepares a couple of things to taste, while the others are blindfolded and participating in the challenge. The one with the most correct answers wins.
Social Activities
Do you want to be social, even in times of social distancing? Try these social activities with your housemates:
61. Talk To A Loved One
If you are feeling lonely, grab the phone and call up someone you love. This will help you to fulfill your social needs and at the same time you get to catch up with each other.
62. Play A Board Game
There are tons of board games out there which you can play with 2 or more people. Therefore, this is the perfect time to play some board games with your housemate(s) or family.

63. Spend Time With Your Pet
Do you have a pet? Why not play with them or simply cuddle up together on the couch? They will ensure your company just as much as you enjoy theirs.
64. Try To Make Each Other Laugh
Did you also play games such as ‘do not laugh’ with your siblings? One person is not allowed to laugh, while the rest is trying to make him or her laugh. The one who is able to stay serious for the longest amount of time, wins.
65. Organize A Watch Party
Facebook and Netflix allow their users to create watchparties, so that you can watch videos, movies or series together. Therefore, make your own watchparty and enjoy it with your family and friends online.
66. Massage Each Other
Do you have much tension in your muscles? Why not ask your partner to massage each other, so that you can release some of that tension?
67. Follow An Online Dancing Class
Do you want to learn how to dance? Even from home, that is possible! Simply join an online dancing class and get started. Perhaps you could als try this with your partner, if you’re both bored.
68. Have A Staring Contest
The famous staring contest, we all know it from our younger days! Why not host a staring contest with your housemate(s) or familly members?
69. Have A Pyjama Party
Put on your favourite pyjamas, pick out a couple of movies and pop some popcorn. Now you’re ready and set for a great pyjama party!
70. Paint Each Other
If both you and your partner like to be creative, why not pain each other? Grab some art tools, sit in front of each other and start painting. You’ll sure have a laugh!
Personal Development Activities
Personal development is fun! Therefore, you could spend your extra time stuck at home to work on becoming a better person. Below, we have summarized some personal development activities for you:
71. Write A Journal
Journaling is good for your health and helps you to release stress. Therefore, you might want to get started with this activity now that you have more time. Buy a cute journal and start writing!
72. Meditate
Meditating is a wonderful way to discover yourself and find inner peace. If you are a beginner, you might want to start out with guided meditations first. Why not give this meditation a try?
73. Create A Vision Board
Highly sensitive people and empaths are known to be true visionaries and dreamers. Therefore, it can be wise to spend your extra time on developing your own vision board for your future. What would you like to achieve within now and five years?
74. Discover Spirituality
When you’re homebound, it offers you the opportunity to discover your spiritual side. Why do you think that so many monks choose for silence and sometimes even solitude? Being alone helps you to find all the answers you need within yourself. Use this time wisely!
75. Read Self-help Books
The self-help industry is booming and there are thousands of books to help you with your personal development. Why not purchase a few bestsellers and use this time to learn something that will help you for the rest of your life?
76. Write Down Affirmations
Affirmations are incredibly powerful to increase your self-esteem. Is there anything you would like to achieve within now and a few years? Write down affirmating sentences that support this goal and repeat them to yourself every day. Trust us, you won’t regret it!
77. Enhance Your Knowledge
Now is the time to become a smarter person! There surely are some things you would like to learn more about? Therefore, use this time to follow interesting online courses or seminars to enhance your knowledge.
78. Participate In A Personal Development Challenge
Did you know that there are many personal development challenges circulating on the internet? Why not join one today to collectively become a better person? In our community for highly sensitive people and empaths, we regularly host free personal growth challenges.

79. Be Grateful
Gratitude is a powerful tool to be happy and thankful for what you have. It helps you to grow a more positive and calm mindset. Therefore, we challenge you to write down 5 things you are grateful for every day for a whole week. You will definitely notice a shift in your mind after doing so.
80. Create New Habits
Do you want to become a morning person? Or perhaps you wish to eat healthier or drink more water? Now is the moment to get started with implementing some new habits. With less obligations, you can slowly introduce positive change into your life.
Beauty Activities While Being Stuck At Home
Imagine being stuck at home and looking incredible once you get back to your daily routine? That is possible, with these 10 beauty activities:
81. Create A New Morning- And Evening Routine
Do you skip your skin routine every morning or evening? Or perhaps you always forget to take off your makeup? Now is the time to implement some good beauty routines in your daily life and learn how to stick to them. You will definitely glow up from it!
82. Colour Your Hair
Are you tired of your hair colour and would you like to try something new? Now that you are stuck at home, it is the perfect time to do so! Nobody will see it, so start living your dreams and try that colour.
83. Give Your Nails A Makeover
Even if you are home alone or just living with a few people, beautiful nails will do wonders for your self-esteem. Therefore, purchase a pretty nail polish and give your nails a makeover.
84. Try New Make Up Styles
As we already mentioned, you can live your wildest beauty dreams while being stuck at home! Therefore, try out some new makeup-techniques. Nobody will see it, so who cares if it doesn’t work for you?
85. Have A Spa Night
Now is the time to truly treat yourself. Organize a spa night and treat yourself to a whole beauty program!
86. Do A Whole Body-scrub
Have you ever used a body scrub? If not, you definitely should give it a try! It is very relaxing and makes your skin nice and soft.
87. Take A Foot Bath
Don’t forget to give your feet some love every now and then as well. Your feet deserve to be treated well and be taken care of. Why not start with taking a foot bath?
88. Shop New Beauty Products
The beauty industry is evolving quickly and it might be that there are better beauty products out there for you. Therefore, do your research and purchase some new beauty products.
89. Take A Bath
A warm bath with some soothing essential oils might do wonders for your soul. Therefore, fill that tub with hot water and enjoy!
90. Do A Hair Mask
Every day, your hair is facing extreme conditions. Therefore, you should take care of it weekly by putting a hair mask in your hair. This will keep your hair nice and soft. Now that you are homebound, it is the perfect time to try out a hair mask.
Useful Activities While Being Stuck At Home
If you’d like to spend your time wisely, you could do some activities around the house that are useful. Here is a list of fun and useful activities to do in and around the house:
91. Declutter Your Home
One of the useful chores you could start doing now, is to declutter your home. If you haven’t watched the KonMari-documentary on Netflix yet, do this before you start decluttering your house. It will help you to make choices in what to keep and what to throw or give away. A calm home is a calm mind, remember that!
92. Clean Your Home
Once your house is decluttered, it is time to deep-clean your home. Remove dust from corners that never see the light and give your floor a special treatment. Your home will look like new again!
93. Work On Your Dreams
Do you have some dreams that you would like to realize? Now is the time to start planning on how to achieve your goals. For example, if you’d like to become an entrepreneur, now might be the time to write a good business plan and come up with a strategy. Use your extra time stuck at home to realize your dreams.
94. Organize Your E-mail Inbox
It is something we all dread, but that will give you so much headspace. Start to declutter your e-mail inbox by unsubscribing from newsletters you never read. Also, delete e-mails you don’t need anymore.
95. Gardening
Let’s be honest; many of us neglect our gardens, while it deserves all the attention in the world. Now is the moment to shower your garden with all the love it needs. Plant some new plants, make sure to provide them with enough water and generally take good care of your garden.
96. Train Your Pet
If you have a pet, now is a wonderful time to teach him or her some new tricks! Not only will this strengthen your bond with your pet, but your pet will enjoy the quality time greatly!
97. Work On Your Relationship
If both you and your partner have busy lives, now might be a good time to spend some quality time together. Enjoy each others company and do the things you love to do together. This will strengthen your connection in the long term.
98. Research Volunteering Opportunities
Do you want to volunteer in the future? Use your extra time now to research some interesting volunteering projects. Once you can leave your home, they will be more than happy with your help.
99. Plan Nearby Life Moments
You might not feel like it now, but there will be days when you can leave your home again and do the things you love to do or want to do. Therefore, now might be a good time to start planning on some big life moments, that might be happening soon. This way, you keep your head up, even in tough times.
100. Repurpose Old Furniture
Do you have an old piece of furniture that could use a new colour? Why not spend your extra time being homebound to repurpose that furniture? It will look like new again with your magic!
Good Luck!
As you can see, there is no need to feel bored while being stuck at home! With this list, you have plenty to do in the upcoming months!