Discover 7 common signs of perfectionism, how they show up in daily life, and practical tips to overcome them. Learn how to break free from the pressure to be perfect.

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

If you’re someone who identifies as highly sensitive, you probably already know how overwhelming life can feel at times. It’s easy to get caught up in the need to be perfect—at work, in relationships, and even in your self-care. While perfectionism might seem like a good thing on the surface, it can actually cause a lot of stress, anxiety, and emotional exhaustion. So, how do you know if perfectionism is creeping into your life and making things harder than they need to be?

Let’s talk about seven common signs that you might be struggling with perfectionism, how it shows up in daily life, and most importantly—how you can begin to let it go.

1. You Set Unrealistically High Standards for Yourself

Do you ever find yourself setting a goal and then raising the bar so high that it feels almost impossible to reach? Maybe you expect yourself to do everything perfectly at work, like never making mistakes on a project, or perhaps you feel like you have to be the “perfect” friend or partner, always showing up in exactly the right way for others.

In daily life, this might look like redoing tasks several times because they’re “not quite right,” or feeling like your to-do list is never-ending because you’re constantly adding more to it. While it’s great to aim high, constantly chasing perfection can leave you feeling like you’re always falling short.

2. You’re Your Own Harshest Critic

Does this sound familiar? You finish a task or project, and instead of feeling proud, you immediately start picking apart all the things you could have done better. Maybe you replay conversations in your head, wondering if you said the right thing. Or you could spend hours tweaking something that was probably fine the first time.

This self-criticism can seep into everyday activities. For instance, you may second-guess an email before hitting send, or criticize yourself for not eating the “perfect” healthy meal. When you’re always focusing on what went wrong, it’s easy to miss everything you’re doing right. A strong inner critic is one of the biggest signs that you’re struggling with perfectionism.

3. You Feel Like You Can’t Trust Others to Get Things Done Right

Do you find it hard to delegate tasks, even when you’re overwhelmed? For perfectionists, it’s common to think, “No one can do this as well as I can.” While this might come from a good place—wanting things to be done well—it often leads to taking on way too much.

In daily life, this might look like not asking for help with household chores because you don’t trust others to do them to your standards. At work, you may micromanage projects because you’re worried they won’t be done “just right.” This habit of holding everything yourself can lead to burnout before you know it.

4. Procrastination Keeps Creeping In

This might sound surprising, but perfectionism and procrastination often go hand-in-hand. When you’re so worried about doing something perfectly, it can feel easier to just… avoid doing it at all. You might put off starting a project because you’re waiting for the “perfect” time. Also, you may delay making a decision because you want to be 100% sure.

In daily life, procrastination can look like avoiding difficult tasks, telling yourself you’ll start tomorrow (but never quite getting there), or delaying even fun activities because you feel like you need to finish everything else first. Over time, the tasks pile up, and so does your stress.

5. You Avoid Taking Risks or Trying New Things

Perfectionism often brings along a fear of failure, which makes trying new things feel scary. You might avoid taking risks or stepping outside your comfort zone because the idea of not being good at something right away is too uncomfortable.

In daily life, this might look like sticking to familiar routines, even when you crave change, or passing up opportunities because you’re worried you won’t do them “perfectly.” Whether it’s trying a new hobby or saying yes to a new role at work, perfectionism can keep you from experiencing growth and joy.

6. You Struggle to Celebrate Your Wins

Do you ever accomplish something and then immediately think, I should have done more? For perfectionists, even big achievements can feel like they’re not enough. You might get that promotion at work but focus on all the ways you could have done better. Also, you may finish a creative project and immediately start thinking about what you need to improve next time.

In daily life, this shows up as downplaying your successes or brushing off compliments. You might feel like you’re always chasing the next thing. As a result, you never allow yourself to celebrate the amazing things you’ve already accomplished.

7. You’re Constantly Exhausted or Burned Out

This might be the most telling sign of all—if you’re feeling emotionally or physically drained all the time, perfectionism could be playing a role. Trying to be perfect in every aspect of your life takes a toll. The constant pressure to perform, the self-criticism, and the endless list of tasks can leave you feeling completely wiped out.

In daily life, this looks like waking up already feeling tired, dreading your to-do list, or constantly feeling like you’re running on empty. Over time, this chronic stress can even lead to physical symptoms. Think about symptoms like headaches, muscle tension, or even chronic pain and fatigue.

How to Break Free from Perfectionism

If these signs for perfectionism resonate with you, you’re not alone. The good news is that perfectionism doesn’t have to rule your life. Here are a few practical steps to start easing the grip:

  • Start small: Practice saying no to small tasks or projects that don’t align with your energy. It’s okay to prioritize yourself!
  • Let yourself be human: Remind yourself that mistakes are a normal part of being human. Perfection isn’t the goal—growth is.
  • Celebrate your progress: Start acknowledging your wins, no matter how small. Whether it’s completing a task or showing up for yourself, every step counts.
  • Try somatic practices: If you feel tension building, try gentle movements like stretching, shaking out the tension, or even giving yourself a calming self-hug. These simple practices can help release physical stress.

Ready to Dive Deeper?

If you’re tired of perfectionism holding you back and you want to learn how to break free from these patterns, our Ideal Self Plus membership is here to support you. Inside, you’ll find a masterclass on people-pleasing and perfectionism with Dr. Valentina Buscemi, a 50-page e-book, practical worksheets, and daily self-care practices like gratitude exercises, affirmations, and mindfulness prompts. You’ll also have access to a supportive community of people who understand exactly what you’re going through.

Ready to take the next step toward a more balanced, fulfilling life? Claim your free 7-day trial today and unlock access to all these resources for only $9.99/month. Let’s work together to break free from these signs of perfectionism and embrace self-compassion!

Disclaimer: In this article, we collaborated with AI while writing articles, meaning that we used it as a personal assistant to provide valuable information to our readers. The personal touch through stories and personal examples and the editing of the article have been performed by the author.