With the new year quickly approaching, highly sensitive people should reflect on the past year of their lives and look forward to the future. Everything you want to accomplish is within your grasp using these 23 tips to create new years resolutions in 2024.
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Estimated reading time: 8 minutes
Every new year comes with new and sometimes daunting expectations of changing your entire life around. However, highly sensitive people need not get overwhelmed or feel intimidated by the intensity of this time of year.
The important themes to keep in mind when you create your new year’s resolutions are to let go of what was, accept what is, and look to the future of who you want to be. Also, you have a lot more power and say in the future you want to create for yourself. So, learn how to take control, and perfect it using these 23 tips to create new year’s resolutions for 2024.
Here’s What You’ll Learn
- So, How Do You Actually Create New Years Resolutions
- #1 Set Aside The Time
- #2 Focus Your Mindset On Creating New Year’s Resolutions
- #3 Reflect On The Past
- #4 Think About How You Feel
- #5 Write Your Thoughts Down Freely
- #6 No Room For Judgement While Creating New Year’s Resolutions
- #7 Acknowledge Your Present State
- #8 Did You Accomplish The New Year’s Resolutions You Created Last Year?
- #9 Were Any Of The New Years’ Resolutions You Created Unrealistic?
- #10 What Can You Now Accept?
- #11 Remember To Keep Things Organized
- #12 Begin Creating New Year’s Resolutions By Setting Intentions
- #13 Think Small
- #14 Create Measurable Attainable Goals
- #15 Try Making Your New Year’s Resolutions Quarterly
- #16 Check In Periodically
- #17 Rewrite Your Goals If You Need To
- #18 Use Realistic Habits To Accomplish The New Year’s Resolutions You Create
- #19 Half-Way Point
- #20 Create A System For Accountability
- #21 Show Gratitude Often
- #22 Take Vacations or Extended Breaks
- #23 Be Kind to Yourself
So, How Do You Actually Create New Years Resolutions
You may wonder how exactly you can create the perfect new year’s resolutions as a highly sensitive person. Here are ways to do that.
#1 Set Aside The Time
The absolute first thing to do is set aside the proper time to sit down and go through the process of creating new year’s resolutions. Thoughtfully, you should be able to complete this on your “reset” day of the week.
Moreover, choose a time where you feel motivated and inspired. If you choose to break into segments to make it easier to accomplish that would also be a great idea for highly sensitive people especially.
#2 Focus Your Mindset On Creating New Year’s Resolutions
What are new year’s resolutions meant for? The only true answer is your personal growth. Any other purpose for creating your new year’s resolutions will most likely contain bias or a people-pleasing initiative. Doing this process is for your personal betterment. Try your best not to forget that.
#3 Reflect On The Past
Ask yourself, what happened this year? What were the highlights and the rough times? Notably making an outline of all that has happened can remind you not to focus on either all good or all bad. These ups and downs are what contribute to your personal growth.
#4 Think About How You Feel
What emotions came up when reflecting on the things that happened this year? This can pertain to your personal life or things going on in your country or community. Often, the things happening around us can have a drastic effect on our mental and physical health. Admittedly, this step is for discernment and grounding.
#5 Write Your Thoughts Down Freely
Getting things down on paper is in your absolute best interest. Hence, place yourself in the present moment and let your brain flow freely from pen to paper. Make sure to invest in a journal where you can jot down all your thoughts.
For instance, you may like this leather journal.
#6 No Room For Judgement While Creating New Year’s Resolutions
Being vulnerable is probably not going to feel the most comfortable for you. When it comes to being honest, that is another battle to prepare for. However, judging yourself through this process will only detract from your energy.

#7 Acknowledge Your Present State
Think about where you are mentally, physically, and spiritually if this applies. Take this time. to notice every detail and bring attention to what needs improving.
How has your gut health been? Given the effects of your gut on your mental health and sleep, it is something that should take priority. Prior to thinking about the more superficial things when creating your new year’s resolutions.
#8 Did You Accomplish The New Year’s Resolutions You Created Last Year?
This question isn’t for the intention of making you feel bad about not completing everything you set out to do this past year. It is only there to place yourself at a certain point on your life path. Hence, show yourself grace and gratitude for all that you have and haven’t accomplished.
#9 Were Any Of The New Years’ Resolutions You Created Unrealistic?
Sometimes highly sensitive people overestimate their abilities and unintentionally put too much on their plate. Were your eyes bigger than your stomach this year? This honesty will benefit you long term once you adjust your personal expectations.
#10 What Can You Now Accept?
Throughout this past year, it is understandable to assume that you had at least one or two realizations about life. What limits of your highly sensitive person have you discovered? Take note of them and remind yourself of the lessons you learned.
#11 Remember To Keep Things Organized
Try out using a goal planner if that works best for you. The answers to these questions will become cluttered if you try to squeeze everything into one spread. Therefore, it’s best to just dedicate a few pages in the notebook of your choosing and give the effort to actually keep organized.
#12 Begin Creating New Year’s Resolutions By Setting Intentions
Truthfully, understand what kind of lifestyle you are seeking. What kind of feelings do you want to invite? After all, you can’t begin to create goals without first focusing on the energy you are intending to attract. New year’s resolutions need the intention behind them. Otherwise, they are just wishful thinking transformed into words on some random paper. You could also consider creating a vision board to visualize your intention in an inspiring way.
#13 Think Small
When trying to incorporate the habit of sticking to the new year’s resolutions you create, it’s imperative that you start small. although it may feel like underestimating your potential, it feels a lot better to exceed expectations rather than never meet them.
#14 Create Measurable Attainable Goals
After setting your intentions and knowing which direction to go in, you should be able to easily create measurable goals to keep track of your progress. These goals are merely a tool to act on your intentions to create new year’s resolutions that work.
#15 Try Making Your New Year’s Resolutions Quarterly
Admittedly, breaking down the new year’s resolutions you create can make them feel easier to accomplish and tackle. The more feasible you make the goal, the more motivation you will likely have. For instance, quarterly is a great division for your goals as you have 3 whole months to reach a certain accomplishment, and it’s easier to acknowledge your progress throughout the year.
#16 Check In Periodically
During these quarterly goal-setting periods, you should prioritize checking in with yourself as well. This way, you can try to prevent and tackle feelings of overwhelm and anxiety before they get too out of hand.
#17 Rewrite Your Goals If You Need To
If at some point during the year you realize that things aren’t working out, then change your plan around. This can happen at any time you feel inspired to do so. The sooner you allow yourself to change, the more change will feel welcome to work.
#18 Use Realistic Habits To Accomplish The New Year’s Resolutions You Create
Accomplishing resolutions for the long term starts with implementing habits in the short term. Perhaps you can pick up reading for 20 minutes every day, or simply make it a habit to make your bed every morning. Prove to yourself that you are capable of implementing smaller habits in daily routines.
#19 Half-Way Point
At this time in your life, you should sit down and take the time to reevaluate your goals, intentions, and dreams. It’s okay if you decide to change something halfway through the year as long as you give yourself grace and create a new meaningful plan for the path you want to now take. This can typically happen around summertime and before the autumn season.
#20 Create A System For Accountability
Essentially, accountability can come in many forms. You can provide consequences for yourself when you don’t commit to certain habits. On the other hand, you can also give yourself rewards for motivation. Or, you can even clue in a friend on your new year’s resolutions to create a collaborative system of accountability.
#21 Show Gratitude Often
Notably, gratitude is grounding. This technique calmly reminds you why you choose to keep going. There are things you love and appreciate and you show gratitude to them on a consistent basis. This includes showing gratitude for yourself and others.
#22 Take Vacations or Extended Breaks
You really do have all the time in the world. Absolutely, you can afford to take a week or two off from work. The art of productivity is to prioritize your downtime for its purpose as well. Consequently, if you continue on the path of always keeping busy, you may experience things like burnout.
#23 Be Kind to Yourself
Oftentimes, we tend to let go of our new years resolutions because we didn’t 100% succeed at keeping up with them. However, even the tiniest steps towards reaching your new years resolutions should be celebrated. If you forgot your routine for a day, try to pick it up again the next day, even if it only is for 10-20 minutes. Any progress is progress! Therefore, be kind to yourself in the process.
Wishing You The Best of Luck With Your New Year’s Resolutions
There is no need to rush your life path. Sometimes, things weren’t meant for you in the current moment and that’s okay. All you have to focus on is what is going on right now, be grateful for your past, and have hope for your future. Make sure to comment down below, your favorite tip for 2024.