Do you want to heal from trauma? In this article, we share 7 valuable trauma-healing techniques for empaths from trauma-informed life coach Emmy Marie.
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Estimated reading time: 8 minutes
If you’re struggling to heal your trauma, you’re not alone. It can be difficult to let go of the past and be more present in the here and now. During the Empath Summit 2022, Emmy Marie, a trauma-informed life coach, shared 7 trauma-healing techniques that can help you on your journey to healing.
These insights can be helpful for anyone who is struggling with the aftermath of trauma. If you’re an empath, they can be especially helpful in guiding you on your journey to healing.
Here’s What You’ll Discover:
Why Is It Important To Heal From Trauma?
Trauma can have a lasting impact on our lives, affecting the way we think, feel, and interact with the world around us. It can be difficult to heal from trauma, but it is important to do so in order to move on and lead a healthy, happy life.
As an empath, I have experienced firsthand the importance of healing from trauma. When we don’t heal from our trauma, it can hold us back and prevent us from living our best lives. We may struggle with anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues as a result of our trauma. Additionally, we may find it difficult to trust others or form close relationships. By healing from trauma, we can begin to heal these wounds and start living the life we deserve.
If you are struggling to heal from trauma, know that you are not alone. There are many resources available to help you on your journey. Therapists, support groups, and self-help books can all be helpful in promoting healing. Take your time and be gentle with yourself; healing is a process that takes time and effort. Remember that you are strong and capable of healing; you just need to take the first step.
The 7 Trauma-Healing Techniques for Empaths
Now that you’ve learned why trauma-healing is important and that it is fully possible, read on to discover the 7 trauma-healing techniques for empaths.
#1 Change Your Mindset
A powerful trauma-healing technique for empaths is to change your mindset. Many people who have experienced trauma hold onto the belief that there is something wrong with them. They think that they are too sensitive or that they should have been able to prevent what happened.
However, it is important to understand that there is nothing wrong with being empathic or loving. These are not weaknesses, but rather strengths that can be used to heal from trauma.
In order to heal, it is essential to start changing your mindset. Begin by accepting yourself and understanding that you are not responsible for the trauma you experienced. Then, start paying attention to your needs and setting boundaries that allow you to take care of yourself.
By making these changes, you can begin to heal from your trauma and start living a happier, more fulfilling life.
#2 Honor Your Empathy
It is so important to heal from trauma, and a big part of that is honoring your empathy and allowing it to exist. Empathy is such a powerful force, and it can be both a blessing and a curse.
It has the ability to connect us to others and help us understand their experiences, but it can also leave us feeling overwhelmed by the pain of the world.
For so long, many of us tried to suppress our empathy because it felt like a weakness. It seems easier to simply ‘disconnect yourself from the pain of others in order to protect yourself.
However, you should realize that it isn’t possible and even if it was, it wouldn’t be healthy. Disconnecting from our empathy creates a divide between ourselves and others, and ultimately prevents us from fully healing from our own trauma.
So instead, we need to learn how to hold space for both our empathy and our pain. We need to honor our empathy and allow it to exist, while also acknowledging the ways it has harmed us. Only then can we truly begin to heal.

#3 Focus On YOU
As an empath, it’s easy to get caught up in always attuning to others and forgetting about your own needs. But it’s so important to focus on yourself too. This trauma-healing technique is one of the most important ones for empaths to remember.
Spend some time alone, and commit to having solo practices that are all about you. This could be something like journaling or meditating.
You could also try a movement practice, spiritual practice, or working with a professional coach.
It’s so important to heal from trauma and focus on yourself as an empath. These practices will help you do just that.
#4 Understand What’s Happening Within You
Our nervous system is constantly giving us information about what’s going on around us. If we’re in a safe place, we usually don’t pay attention to it. But when we’re in a situation where we feel threatened or uncomfortable, our nervous system starts to give us some very clear signals. For example, we might start to feel a tightness in our chest or our breathing might become more shallow and quick.
One of the best things you can do for yourself is to start learning how to read these signals from your body. This is sometimes called a “body scan.” Try to notice what happens in your body when you’re around someone who makes you feel uncomfortable. Do you feel a tightness in your chest, do you start to breathe more quickly, or do you get a knot in your stomach?
Once you start to become aware of the physical sensations in your body, you can begin to heal from the trauma of past experiences. When you know what sensations are associated with feeling unsafe, you can start to map out your own feelings and learn how to avoid situations that will trigger them. You might also find that certain relaxation techniques can help to heal the damage that’s been done to your nervous system.
#5 Start Expressing Yourself Authentically
Expressing yourself is a vital part of healing from trauma. When you keep your thoughts and feelings bottled up, they can fester and cause further damage.
Journaling is one way to get those thoughts and feelings out of your head and onto paper (or screen). It can be a cathartic experience, and it can also help you to see your experiences in a new light.
If you’re worried about sharing your journal with others, you can start by keeping it private. But as you heal and grow, you may find that you want to share your story with the world.
Doing so can help you to connect with other people who have been through similar experiences, and it can also help you to feel more empowered and confident.
So whatever method of journaling you choose, make sure that it’s something that makes you feel safe and comfortable. Then let the words flow freely!
#6 Create A Sense Of Safety
Most of us take a sense of safety for granted. We assume that we will always have a place to call home, food to eat, and people who love us.
But for some people, life is a constant struggle just to stay alive. If you have never experienced a sense of safety in your life, it can be hard to imagine what that feels like.
However, it is possible to heal from trauma and create a sense of safety for yourself. It may take some time and effort, but it is worth it.
One way to create a sense of safety is to find or create situations where you feel comfortable and safe.
This might mean spending time in nature, being around animals, or simply surrounded by things that make you feel cozy and happy. It is important to find moments of peace and calm in your day, even if they are just brief respites from the chaos of the outside world.
By creating these little oases of safety, you can begin to heal the wounds of trauma and build a foundation of peace and wellbeing.
#7 Do Inner Child Work To Heal Trauma as an Empath
If you’ve ever experienced trauma, you know that it can be hard to heal from the experience and move on. Often, the trauma gets buried deep inside, only to resurface when you least expect it.
This is where inner child work comes in. By reconnecting with the part of yourself that went through the trauma, you can begin to heal the wounds and come home to yourself.
For empaths, this is particularly important, as they tend to absorb the pain of others. Inner child work can help them to come back to their center and find balance.
If you’re interested in exploring this type of work, there are many resources available online and in books. Give it a try – you may be surprised at how helpful it can be.
Discover More Trauma-Healing Techniques for Empaths
Do you want to discover more trauma-healing techniques for empaths? In this video, Intuitive Coach, Reiki Healer and founder of the Empath Summit Sara Lopez, and trauma-informed life coach Emmy Marie talk about healing from trauma as an empath:
Do you currently struggle with healing from trauma as an empath? Share your experience with us in the comments!