Home » Spirituality » My Experience with Manifesting: How It Transformed My Life and How You Can Start Too

Discover the power of manifesting and how it transformed my life. Learn practical tips like practicing gratitude, working with moon phases, EFT tapping, and the 369 method to align your energy and manifest your desires.

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Alright, let’s talk about something that’s become a bit of a buzzword in the spiritual world lately—manifesting. Whether you’re new to it or have heard it mentioned over and over again, manifesting is a big deal for a reason. It’s all about aligning your energy and mindset to attract the things you want into your life. Today, I want to share my own experience with manifesting, how it’s changed my life, and some practical tips for getting started yourself.

How I Discovered Manifesting

I was first introduced to manifesting back in 2018 when I read the book The Universe Has Your Back by Gabrielle Bernstein. The book really opened my eyes to the idea that the universe is always working in our favor—we just have to trust the process and align ourselves with the life we want to create. The idea that we’re supported by something greater than ourselves really hit home for me. It was also the year that I launched HiSensitives and shared the HSP symbol with the world, which marked a huge leap of faith in my journey.

Reading that book gave me the confidence to trust not only in the universe but also in myself. That’s really the essence of manifesting: having faith in your abilities while also trusting that you are being guided toward the right path. Looking back, I can see how this shift in mindset made everything I’ve achieved since then possible.

But manifesting isn’t just about setting goals or making wishes. It’s about aligning your energy with your desired future. And at that time, when I was still healing from past trauma, struggling financially, and stuck in a job that wasn’t fulfilling, I found it hard to get into the right mindset. I felt blocked. It’s like, “Oh great, here we go with the manifesting talk again, but I’m not in the right space for it.”

Still, I decided to give it a try, starting small. And slowly but surely, I noticed subtle changes in my life. Those small shifts eventually turned into bigger transformations, and I realized that manifesting was real—it just required consistency and faith.

My Top Tips for Manifesting

There are countless ways to manifest, but I want to share the practices that have worked best for me and have become a regular part of my life.

1. Practice Gratitude

I know, I know. You’ve heard it a thousand times: practice gratitude. But hear me out—it’s the cornerstone of manifesting. When you’re genuinely grateful for what you already have, you’re vibrating at a higher frequency, which attracts even more abundance. Instead of focusing on lack or desire, you’re focusing on abundance and fulfillment.

For example, instead of saying, “I want $5,000 in my bank account,” try shifting it to, “I’m grateful for the opportunities that bring $5,000 into my life.” That subtle change in wording can make a huge difference in how you align your energy. I like to incorporate gratitude into my daily routine—sometimes in the morning, sometimes at night, and whenever I notice my energy starting to dip. It’s a constant practice.

2. Work with the Moon Phases

This one is a bit more personal to me as a Cancer Sun (hello, astrology fans!). I love working with the moon phases to manifest. The collective energy of the new moon is perfect for setting new intentions and inviting new things into your life. So, every new moon, I write down my goals for the upcoming moon cycle, focusing on how it would feel to already have achieved those goals.

During the full moon, I focus on letting go of anything that’s blocking my manifestations. I like to write down whatever I want to release—fears, limiting beliefs, negative energy—and then burn the paper in a small ritual to symbolize releasing those obstacles. It’s a powerful way to clear space for what you want to bring in.

3. EFT Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique)

EFT tapping is one of my secret tools for manifesting, especially as a highly sensitive person. It’s a technique that involves tapping on acupressure points on your body while repeating affirmations. It helps regulate your nervous system and release negative emotions, which is crucial for manifesting. When you’re calm and aligned, your frequency is naturally higher, and that’s when the magic happens.

For me, EFT tapping is a great way to reprogram old limiting beliefs and replace them with positive ones. When I tap and affirm my goals, it feels like I’m rewiring my energy to align with what I want to attract.

4. The 369 Method

When I want to manifest something quickly, I use the 369 method. This technique involves writing down your manifestation three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon, and nine times in the evening. Each time you write it down, really feel into the energy of already having what you desire. It’s all about creating and maintaining that frequency throughout the day.

The Role of Personal Growth in Manifesting

While we don’t have a dedicated manifesting course inside our Ideal Self Plus membership yet, we do have a wealth of personal growth content that can support your manifesting journey. For highly sensitive people, regulating your nervous system, letting go of limiting beliefs, and working with your intuition are all critical steps toward aligning with your desires.

Our masterclasses, e-books, and interactive worksheets focus on personal growth topics like reducing overwhelm, setting boundaries, overcoming perfectionism, and healing from emotional triggers. These topics help you build the emotional and energetic foundation needed for manifesting.

How Manifesting Changed My Life

Manifesting has helped me achieve some of the biggest goals in my life. From manifesting my dream home in a week to building a successful business, to creating a happier and more harmonious marriage, the results have been nothing short of transformative. Even though I was already in a relationship when I started manifesting, the practice helped me work through challenges and create deeper connection and understanding with my partner.

It’s also helped me stay aligned with my purpose and create a fulfilling, purposeful life. For me, manifesting has been a powerful tool for growth and transformation, and I hope it can be the same for you.

Resources to Get Started

If you’re interested in diving deeper into manifesting, I highly recommend checking out Gabrielle Bernstein’s books, including The Universe Has Your Back and Super Attractor. Another great read is Untamed by Glennon Doyle, which is more about creating a purposeful life, but it fits beautifully into the world of manifesting.

And, of course, if you’re a highly sensitive person looking to grow and align with your ideal self, I invite you to try the Ideal Self Plus membership. With a free 7-day trial, you can explore expert masterclasses, e-books, and interactive worksheets that can support your journey into manifesting and personal growth.

I hope my journey and these tips inspire you to start manifesting your dreams. Trust the process, stay grateful, and align with the life you want to create. You’ve got this!

In this article, we collaborated with AI, meaning that the input and stories are real, but the blog itself has been created with support from AI.