Write for us

Inspire our readers

Would you like to contribute to our platform by writing an article for us? That’s wonderful!

We are continuously looking for volunteers who would like to inspire our readers with their knowledge and stories.

On this page, you can find more information about publishing an article on HiSensitives.

We invite different types of writers to share their story:


HiSensitives is looking for professionals who would like to share their knowledge and expertise with our readers. The experts we are looking for are specialized in personal growth, highly sensitive people or empaths.


Are you a highly sensitive person or empath and would you like to share your personal growth story and experiences on our blog? We are continuously looking for new, inspiring personal growth stories.

Do you want to inspire our readers with your article?
Here’s what’s in it for you:

Reach thousands of people

Monthly, we reach thousands of highly sensitive people and empaths interested in personal growth. Publishing your story on our platform will help you to spread your word.

Backlink to your own website

When you choose to publish your story on our platform, we will return the favor by linking to your social media accounts and website in the article.

Meaningful connections

Sharing your story enables you to connect directly with our audience. Through your article you can connect with our readers, who are highly sensitive people and empaths interested in personal growth.

Social media exposure

We share all stories submitted to us on our social media accounts as well. Moreover, we provide these posts with direct links to your social media accounts. This way, our audience can easily find you on social media.

What content are we looking for?

As we are a personal growth platform for highly sensitive people and empaths, we find it highly important to publish content that relates to personal growth.

We share articles within the following categories:

  • Personal growth (self care, self-love, mindset, creating habits, happiness and more)
  • Relationships (romantic relationships, friendships, family, parenting and more)
  • Career (thriving at work, creating good work habits, setting boundaries at work and more)
  • Health (mental and physical health)
  • Spirituality (connecting with higher self, discovering your purpose in life, astrology and more)
  • Highly sensitive person (scientific facts about the trait, tips to thrive in life and more)
  • Empath (scientific facts about empathy, tips to thrive in life, setting healthy boundaries for oneself, protecting one’s energy and more)
  • Personal Stories (share your own personal growth story and inspire other readers with your insights regarding personal growth)

If your idea for an article does not fit within the examples above, please do not hesitate to still connect with us! We would love to hear your idea and see whether it fits our readers’ needs.

How to submit your piece

Would you like to submit your story or article? Wonderful! We cannot wait to connect with you.

If you are a professional who would like to write an article for us, feel free to share your blog idea with us. In this initial contact we will discover together whether we are a right match.

For those of you interested in sharing your personal growth story, you can directly submit it to us via email.

In order to ensure high quality content on our platform, we work with submission guidelines. You can download them via the link below.

Your heartache is someone else’s hope. If you make it through, somebody else is going to make it through. Tell your story. 
– Kim McManus

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